Cookies Used on

CCTY websites use cookies. A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. CCTY uses cookies to remember visitor preferences such as language choices. Items such as an email address, should you have provided one to this website, may be stored via a cookie.

CCTY Cookies
CCTY’s websites use both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are only kept in memory within the span of the user’s session with the site. These cookies are not persisted to the end user’s system.

Persistent cookies make it possible for the website to recognize visitors when they return so that the settings made during previous visits are remembered. Persistent cookies are persistently stored on the client system (hard drive or elsewhere), the lifetime of these cookies can be from a few seconds to several years. Examples of where CCTY websites use persistent cookies are to remember country/language selections and helping with collecting statistics.

If you do not want to accept cookies from CCTY websites you can:

  • leave this website
  • configure your browser to either notify you when you receive a cookie (giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it)
  • block all or certain categories of cookies or
  • delete previously stored cookies from your browser